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Spells - Aprilynne Pike I read this because I was offered a free electronic ARC from LivingSocial's Influential Reader Program. I had heard of the first book, Wings, but only read it now, to familiarize myself with the story. I think Spells was a good addition to the series; a little bit slow moving, but still really enjoyable. I am by no means well-versed in faery mythology, but I find Aprilynne’s take on faeries really creative and different. A big part of the story is the love triangle, and I have to say that for me, this is a love triangle done right. There are good aspects to each guy, and you can totally understand why Laurel is drawn to both of them. That’s not to say I don’t have a favorite! I loved the interactions between Laurel and Tamani. By the end I was definitely curious as to what would happen in future books.
The cliffhanger is very intriguing. I’m so curious to find out what will happen next, I am certain I will read the next book. I have no idea when I would have gotten around to checking out this series if I hadn’t gotten the chance to read this ARC, so I am glad I did.
Overall, I thought this was a well-written, fun, quick read, and a good sequel. I think the fantasy and romance will appeal to teenagers or YA fiction readers.